IDC WIN: The RRSP Bridge – Using whole life to reduce volatility and increase retirement income

  Don Hart, Vice-President Training and Development   Ken Poniatowski, Business Development Executive CLICK TO REGISTER CE credit under review Have you ever thought about what your clients retirement options are at that special time.  The time when income from working  has stopped - where is it going to come from? How much will I be able to spend ? ...

DATE CHANGED to May 12—–IDC WIN Estate Team, Frank Abate – Paying it forward: using a death benefit to help multiple generations through a personal IFA

Frank Abate, CPA, CA, CFP, TEP,  IDC WIN Estate Planning CLICK TO REGISTER CE Credit are not available   The presentation will compare the outcomes of taking a Death Benefit amount and simply investing it vs. taking the same death benefit, using it to purchase a new life insurance policy, and then borrowing against the CSV to purchase an investment ...

RBC Insurance – Business Overhead Expense Protection for your Business Owners

        Melanie GalkaSenior Sales Consultant, Life & Living Benefits CLICK TO REGISTER 1 A&S Credit Do you work with business owners or would you like to? These individuals are critical to the day to day operations of their business. Learn how to enhance the conversation with your business owners and how to use Business Overhead Expense coverage ...

RBC Insurance – Estate planning…Planning for the unexpected & expected! Tips and traps with seg funds/annuities

         Presented by: Charu Mathur, Senior Sales Consultant - Wealth RBC Insurance - Read bio HERE Rhealynne Ries, Senior Sales Consultant - Wealth RBC Insurance - Read bio HERE CLICK TO REGISTER EVENT PASSWORD: rbc1 RBC Insurance is one of the fastest growing Seg fund providers in the country.  We will be discussing the importance of Estate Planning ...

IDC WIN Estate Team, Frank Abate – Paying it forward: using a death benefit to help multiple generations through a personal IFA

Frank Abate, CPA, CA, CFP, TEP,  IDC WIN Estate Planning CE credits under review CLICK TO REGISTER The presentation will compare the outcomes of taking a Death Benefit amount and simply investing it vs. taking the same death benefit, using it to purchase a new life insurance policy, and then borrowing against the CSV to purchase an investment (Personal IFA).

Mandarin Webinar: Desjardins Insurance Product Sweet Spot

Shouli Ma, MBA, CFP, Regional Sales Director, Individual Life Insurance No CE Credits CLICK TO REGISTER Please join us for an exclusive Mandarin session on “Desjardins Insurance Product Sweet Spot,” showcasing the most competitive age groups and face amounts for Desjardins insurance products, and the features that make Desjardins insurance products stand out among the competitors.  

Manulife: Ideas Worth Stealing

Vanessa Scott, National Living Benefits Sales Consultant CLICK TO REGISTER 1 CE Credit This session will be jammed packed with positioning, sales language, sales tools that will assist you in having conversations and making sales of Disability, Critical Illness and even Long Term Care solutions!

Mandarin Webinar: The Foresters Advantage, Why Foresters?

Regional Vice President, Asian Markets - Eastern Canada 1 CE Credit, except for SK CLICK TO REGISTER Part 1:  Forester PAR wholelife product introduction Part 2:  Member benefits Part 3:  9 companies PAR wholelife competition comparison

Desjardins: Make inflation your ally with the Helios2 contract

  Deborah Debas, Responsible Investment Specialist Jeff Farquhar, Regional Sales Director 1 CE Credit, except for SK CLICK TO REGISTER Inflation is on the rise in North America and so is the cost of living1. This rise in living expenses could significantly reduce the value of your clients' estates. For anyone planning to leave money to loved ones, not being ...

Inflections 2022 – Workplace Solutions – Day 1 of 2

CLICK TO REGISTER Event description: Join thought leaders and industry representatives to share big ideas and practical information and solutions to help advisors: Surface relevant information from the noise Stay tuned to the needs of the employers and plan members we serve Harness innovation to be more empowered as human beings and more effective in our work and daily lives