RBC Insurance – Session 1 – Life and Disability, Flexibility to meet your client’s needs

CLICK TO REGISTER CE credits pending  - BC The demand for insurance has never been greater, yet more than half of Canadians overestimate its cost or assume they won't need it.  Furthermore, 1 in 3 families admits a financial disaster would happen within a month if the primary income earner were to pass away.  This presents an opportunity for advisors ...

Canada Life – 2023 Mid-Year market outlook

CLICK TO REGISTER CE accreditation for this streaming event is pending approval Volatility, inflation and banking risks have put a damper on the outlook for growth. But could there be a silver lining for investors as we move into the second half of the year? The global investment managers on our shelf see an evolving set of opportunities for active ...

Beneva – Digital Dividends: Growing Your Business Through Online Presence

CLICK TO REGISTER 1 CE credit After more than a decade of favourable market conditions and the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic, many advisors have discovered that relying on in-person networking is no longer a reliable source of growth. Instead, advisors need to adapt their practice to have a digital marketing component in order to ensure that they are ...

Desjardins Insurance – Critical Illness for Children

CLICK TO REGISTER 1 CE credit Health Priorities – Child, pays a tax-free lump-sum benefit to your client, if the insured child is diagnosed with any of the 29 critical illnesses and conditions covered, including 3 childhood diseases. It also offers return of premium options and no survival period for cancer Speakers:  Bailey Bews-Luykx | Regional Sales Consultant | Desjardins Petra Ross ...

Empire: TRIIPSS Webinar: Insurance based investments: case studies from the library and archives

This session will go through a number of previously published articles to explain and reinforce strategies and opportunities focusing on investments. A variety of case studies will showcase challenges that may arise and preferred strategies to consider. CE credits: Pending. To receive their CE credit, attendees of this event will be required to attend the entire session and pass the quiz ...

RBC Insurance: RBCCI Summer Series – Wage Loss Replacement Plan

Unfortunately, of the 1.2 million businesses in Canada, 75% lack group benefits. These businesses employ 50% of the Canadian workforce, with 60% of employees preferring a benefits package over a $10,000 salary increase. Without a group benefits program in place, candidates are likely to look elsewhere for a job, signifying the importance for business owners to acquire a WLRP. Join ...

AdvisorStream Live Demo

CLICK TO REGISTER AdvisorStream is an industry-leading automated marketing platform that helps advisors drive client engagement and build business. The platform allows advisors to leverage credible and engaging content and share it through automated multichannel communications. This demo will showcase how this platform can help you with your marketing efforts. NO CE Credits

RBC Insurance: RBCCI Summer Series – Critical Illness and Long Term Care

1 in 3 Canadians suffers a disability that lasts 90 days or longer during their working career. When the unexpected hits, it is critical to have coverage that supports your loved ones in the event of a stroke, heart attack, cancer, or other major illness. Our medical advances have made it easier to recover from these treatments, with Canada's senior ...

IDC WIN Workplace Solutions: IDC WIN Hybrid + myHSA

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Flexibility for business owners and their employees – why this concept is more important than ever to promote and understand. 1 CE Credit under review

Circle of Wealth – The Ten Minute Lesson on Life Insurance

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER We invite you to an upcoming webinar that can help you sell more life insurance by utilizing the Circle of Wealth®'s 10-Minute Lesson. This lesson has proven to be highly effective in engaging and communicating with clients, ultimately leading to more business growth. You must pre register to attend. Registered attendees will receive the Zoom link ...

Sun Life Global Investments – Proven Practices of Leading Advisors with Katie Grauer

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER What makes leading advisors so successful? In early 2022, we commissioned a study through Environics Research to answer that question. This session will provide an in-depth look at emerging trends and business practices among top advisors. You’ll leave with key tools and take-aways to help you identify opportunities and close any gaps within your business. You’ll ...